Graduations are around the corner, report cards are heading home, and teachers across the state are getting ready to pack up their rooms for the summer Celebrating accomplishments, planning new... more
Good news! We’re sharing three great bills for student success that are on the Senate Education Committee’s calendar Bad news They are up with almost 100 other pieces of legislation in... more
ith the vernal equinox, spring is in bloom! Our days feel a bit longer and the end of another school year is on the horizon It’s an exciting time of year If you saw our latest Facebook Live, you... more
There’s good news out of the General Assembly and it’s good to share these victories for student success Every few weeks, we’ll update you on the status of bills we’ve shared You can always... more
We’re officially off to the races in the world of education legislation Bills are being heard Amendments are being added And we’re right in the middle of it all and ready to bring the... more
We’ve got a few bills to share with you today As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions We say it a lot, and we mean it every time, but we are grateful for the time you give to... more
The General Assembly is getting into full swing! We are excited about the opportunities to champion Tennessee’s classrooms and the work toward success We believe that everyone involved in the... more
We’re excited about Valentine’s Day this year! We’ll be hosting our very first Facebook Live at 2:30 (Central) tomorrow afternoon and we would love it if you’d join us Last week we announced... more
We know life is busy and the calendar gets full, so we wanted to get a few dates to you Each week that you check in with us, each time you jump on a call with one of our field staffers, each time you... more
Are you a Tennessean for Student Success Maybe you’re a teacher or pastor or community leader Perhaps you go by Mom or Dad You might even be a student yourself! We have a place for you to help make... more
Earlier this month we welcomed the 110th General Assembly to Nashville As both the House and Senate are doing organizational work this week, we wanted to take a few minutes today and do some... more
The Christmas decorations are packed away, the snow is – mostly – gone across the state, and the gavels fell in Nashville today The 110th General Assembly is underway and we are excited about... more