November 20, 2018
Turkeys and time with families and thankfulness, oh my!
Thanksgiving is upon us, and we love taking this week each year to share a few things we’re thankful for:
– More students are completing high school and are ready for success. On-time graduation rates are on the rise in Tennessee.
-More of our friends and neighbors say education is their number one priority. And they vote like it, too. Take a look at our Legislative Scorecard from last year and see how our legislators, with your help, supported education.
–TNPathways is up and running in Tennessee helping more students today connect with certifications, jobs, training, and opportunities today for success tomorrow. There are 21 new industry certifications for our high school students, and we look forward to more ways for Tennessee’s students to be ready for success.
-Recent accountability results are encouraging for student success. More teachers, 72%, say the evaluation system has led to improvements in their teaching. More schools in Shelby County have exited state’s Priority Schools list. And 35.7% of 3-5th grade students were “on track” or “mastered” in ELA, up from 33.9% in 2017.
-You. We’re thankful for all the ways you support Tennessee’s students. We’re glad to be in this work with you.
From the Tennesseans for Student Success family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!