January 16, 2018
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?’”
As we ponder the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr today, we’re grateful to answer that question resoundingly with: “working to make sure every child in Tennessee has an opportunity to learn, to achieve, to grow, and to find their success.”
We are grateful for all you do to help in this noble work.
The 110th General Assembly gaveled back into session last week, and our education committees are back up and running. Meet the House Education Administration and Planning Committee, the House Education Instruction and Programs Committee, and the Senate Education Committee. While we’ll always tweet out the times and video feeds of these Committee and Subcommittee hearings, know there’s a permanent invitation for you to join us in person.
We’ll be back next week with bills filed, ways you can help from home, and with information on our inaugural Tennesseans for Student Success Day on the Hill. We look forward to another session of doing this work for others with you. Thank you, again, for all you do.