Tristar Reads, our annual summer reading program, doesn’t begin until May, but as most students are at home in this season, we want to offer various resources and activities for parents and... more
In March, Tennesseans for Student Success celebrated Middle Level Education Month and asked the public to nominate a middle school educator, administrator, or staff member who has made a significant... more
Tennessee COVID-19 Update As our schools, economy, and life in general moves at a rapidly different pace than one month ago, TSS is keeping our finger on the pulse of education-related COVID-19... more
Tristar Reads, our annual summer reading program, doesn’t begin until May, but as most students are at home in this season, we want to offer various resources and activities for parents and... more
TN Legislative Corner With the acceleration of the coronavirus, individuals, businesses, and the TN legislature have taken unprecedented measures over the past week to promote safety and the... more
NASHVILLE – Tennesseans for Student Success began the 2020 legislative session by outlining our policy pillars and how they affect student success This is the last installment of our... more
TN Legislative Corner Last week’s tragic tornadoes affected committee activity in the Tennessee General Assembly Please continue to pray and help where you are able as individuals and families... more
TSS Release on Ongoing Statewide Education Poll...
Since 2017, Tennesseans for Student Success has talked with more than 150,000 individual Tennesseans as part of its ongoing voter outreach and advocacy to support the policies that are improving... more
TN Legislative Corner This week was a busy one at the Capitol, with many bills being brought up in the House and Senate Education committees In particular, the Tennessee General Assembly and... more
TSS Policy Priorities: Why Innovating in Educat...
NASHVILLE – Tennesseans for Student Success is beginning the 2020 legislative session by outlining our policy pillars and how they affect student success Read about our pillars here Why... more
How Businesses Are Partnering with Schools to C...
It’s critical that communities work together to assist students who are pursuing a degree or certificate, step into the career or job that will help them thrive Career and technical education is... more
TN Legislative Corner The House Curriculum, Testing, & Innovation Subcommittee (CTI) amended HB 1687/SB 1735, which proposed to eliminate academic standards for science and social studies in... more