After another election season has come and gone, we thought it was a good time for our monthly news roundup In case you’ve missed our previous news round-ups, we thought we’d fill you in Every... more
Have you voted There’s still time Election Day is tomorrow Tennessee is ranked in the bottom of voter participation rates nationally, and while the early-voting turnout is encouraging, it’s... more
“What can we do to help students be ready for success in life” It’s a question we get, and ask, a lot as we’re out and about in Tennessee meeting with teachers, parents, community leaders,... more
Tennessee’s soon-to-be graduates need your help Every year, TNAchieves puts out a call for mentors 9,000 mentors to be exact The ask is simple – volunteer a few hours a month for a few months a... more
From time to time, we trade our weekly emails for a list of articles that caught our eyes Some short, some long, but all related to education conversations in Tennessee, we know you’ll appreciate... more
Tennesseans for Student Success Announces Trist...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 21, 2018 CONTACT: Ashley Elizabeth Graham 615-983-6215 press@tnsuccessorg Tennesseans for Student Success Announces Scholarship Winners NASHVILLE – Tennesseans... more
Since May 1st, we’ve invited Tennessee’s K-12 students to tell us the stories they’ve read and the adventures they’ve taken in books this summer Tristar Reads, our summer reading program, is... more
One statewide election down, one to go Whether you voted, ran for office, held yard signs, or signed up new voters, we appreciate you getting involved in the work of our state As you know,... more
Tennesseans for Student Success Celebrates Elec...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 6, 2018 CONTACT: Ashley Elizabeth Graham 615-983-6215 press@tnsuccessorg Tennesseans for Student Success Celebrates Election Day Victories Pushes Lawmakers to Prioritize... more
In no particular order, we wanted to bring you three things this week we’re sure you will enjoy -It’s almost Election Day for the August Primaries Tennessee is last in voter participation, and... more
“There is no more important issue than public education” That truth directs all our work at Tennesseans for Student Success It’s the why for our what It’s the reason we’re engaging in... more
Every two years, we gather at our polling locations and choose the men and women who will lead our state, craft our budgets, and chart a course for our future It is important work we do to choose... more