July 10, 2017
We are midway through Tristar Reads and we wanted to take a few minutes today to celebrate with you. We’ve signed up almost 300 Tennessee students who are committed to reading 20 minutes a day this summer!
When Tristar Reads began last year, we set out to help stop the summer slide – those months where our students stopped reading and when returning to school in August, had fallen behind their previous reading levels. We heard from teachers and knew if we encouraged students to keep reading over the summer, we could keep some of that slide from happening.
Thank you for being a part of that good work. By helping promote Tristar Reads, signing up your own K-12 readers, sharing the program on your social media feeds, or inviting us to share with your community groups, you are helping Tennessee’s students be ready for success this fall.
We aren’t finished! There are still two months left for Tristar Reads and we want to sign up as many readers as we can. Here’s a quick look at the details: any incoming or outgoing K-12 reader is eligible, readers (or their adult readers) need to sign them up at TristarReads.com, and readers need to log the time they’ve read this summer at TristarReads.com at least once before September 7th. We look forward to awarding three $1,000 college scholarships to our top three readers (one in K-5th, one in 6-8th, and one in 9-12th grades) at the conclusion of Tristar Reads.
Want more information? Drop us a note and make sure you’re following our Tristar Reads pages on social media.
Thanks for your help in making sure every Tennessee student is a Tristar Reader.