Inside TNSuccess

Weekly Update – September 25, 2017

Governor Haslam announced the 2016-2017 graduation rate was a record-high 89.1 percent. What’s more, 56% of districts saw their graduation rates increase, 13 districts improved graduation rates by 5 points of more, and 83%  – a three-year high – of students who identify as Black, Hispanic, or Native American students graduated.


We know the rate of graduating students isn’t the only marker of student success, and while these numbers are worth celebrating, there is still work to be done. But, we know there’s value in celebrating success! We’re especially proud of Lake County Schools with the largest jump in graduation rates – increasing 23.1% in one year.


With high academic standards, an assessment aligned to those standards, accountability for everyone involved in the classroom, and more publicly-funded options for students we are confident we’re on the right track for success.


We couldn’t do this work without you. We certainly wouldn’t see gains like these without the great work of Tennessee’s teachers. Last week we spent the day in Knoxville at our inaugural Tennessee Teacher Voices Summit. It was a powerful day of helping teachers find and use their teacher voice to advocate for students. Here’s a great recap from our #VolsVoices hashtag.


Our Middle Tennessee Teacher Voices Summit is in the planning stages. Time outside of the classroom is valuable and we want to be certain every educator can attend. If you know a Middle Tennessee teacher, forward them this email and ask them to fill out this quick survey and let us know the best times to hold these interactive and integral sessions. 
-Tennesseans for Student Success 

Press Releases

Election Results Reaffirm Tennessee’s Com...




NASHVILLE — Team Kid PAC and Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) are celebrating the General Assembly election results and the positive impact on efforts to preserve and expand the public... more
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Press Releases

Tennessee Public Charter School Commission Appr...




NASHVILLE —  Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) released the following statement to applaud today’s decision by the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission to support the needs of... more
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Press Releases

Tennessee Public Charter School Commission Appr...




NASHVILLE — Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) released the following statement to applaud this week’s decision by the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission to support the needs... more
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