December 23, 2019
As 2019 comes to a close, it’s important to reflect on the past year (and decade!) as we prepare for 2020. It’s critical to begin each year with a positive mindset as we set goals, raise expectations, and gear up for what’s ahead. Here at TSS, we are thankful for the successful 2019 we had and anticipatory for what’s on the horizon. With the legislative session ringing in the New Year, we’re excited to welcome members back to Nashville as we work to champion better student outcomes for all children in Tennessee.
We hope you enjoy the rest of December with the ones you love and are prepared for the remarkable year that’s ahead. Merry Christmas to you from Team TSS!
TSS recently released the final video in our #KnowYourWhy series. This month, we featured Mr. Sam Frey, Assistant Principal of Henry C. Maxwell Elementary School in Antioch, Tennessee. Mr. Frey shares his story of why he became an educator and how he has remained motivated throughout the years.
In the video, Mr. Frey chronicles how his high school counselor paid for him to take the ACT test and encouraged him to go to college away from home, where he excelled as an inner-city educator for fifteen years. His passion for students and their growth is evident through his story.
As an organization, we believe it’s important to celebrate educators and encourage leaders in the community to ‘Know Their Why.’
Click here to view the video.
Team TSS is excited to announce our new and improved action center as a new way for you to get involved with our advocacy efforts. Through our action center, you are able to look up your legislator, sign petitions, and email your local legislator during the 2020 legislative session about issues you’re passionate about.
Sign up for TSS Action Network Alerts to stay up-to-date on issues affecting Tennessee’s students. We will send you only the most urgent issues seeking your input on how these policies impact students and how to raise your voice for student improvement. It’s critical we ensure Tennessee’s students have the best opportunity for college and career. Sign up today!
Recently, TennesseeCAN released their 2019 Policy Report Card, which scores the state on 26 different education policy areas as a way to measure the state’s efforts on improving student outcomes. This report focuses on policy issues in Tennessee around excellence, equity, choice, and transparency. Check out what TennesseeCAN has to say about how our state has been successful and how it can improve.
Read the full report here.