Inside TNSuccess

Inside TNSuccess: January 13

TN Legislative Session is Underway

2020 is officially in full swing with the 111th Tennessee General Assembly gaveling in tomorrow January 14th. 

It’s critical that our current elected officials keep up the work for student success. To share with them the great things happening in Tennessee’s classrooms, we’re excited to host our annual Tennesseans for Student Success Day on the Hill. We’ll provide training sessions, meetings with elected officials, and a chance for you to use your voice for all involved in the classroom. Here’s a link to more information and to register for the February 11th event. We’d love to have you join us!

Can’t make our Day on the Hill? Be a part of Tennesseans across the state raising their voice for students. We’ve created an easy way for you to contact your elected officials. Take a look around our new site for advocacy and policy engagement, get signed up, and share your support of high standards, fewer, but better tests, innovation in education, and accountability for everyone involved in the classroom with your elected official today.

Show Your Support for Accountability

It’s important that we are diligent to ensure every child has exactly what they need for success now and in the future. One way this is possible is through supporting strong accountability. Accountability is two-fold: teachers and students having access to the tools they need for success.

Will you join the fight to help protect accountability in the classroom?

As our state legislators gather in Nashville this January (tomorrow to be exact!), let them know you believe that every student in every classroom deserves the best education possible.

SCORE’s Report on College and Career Opportunity

Ensuring students are college and career ready is one of Tennessee’s premier goals so the workforce can flourish and be positively impacted. Currently, only 42.7 percent of residents have a post-secondary credential or degree with the reality that by 2015, 55 percent of jobs will require post-secondary training.

SCORE, State Collaborative on Reforming Education, recognizes this scope and has created a report around these findings. Check out their Advising Students Towards Opportunity report as it analyzes the challenges and steps forward our state is making to bridge the gap.

View the full SCORE report here

Gov. Lee Visits Cleveland High School’s CTE Program

Last week, Governor Bill Lee toured Cleveland High School, one of the leading high schools in career and technical education programs in the state. With 63 different hands-on programs, students at Cleveland High have many opportunities to earn specific certificates and credentials. Examples of programs offered are aviation, health science, engineering, and automotive technology – just to name a few. 

Learn more about these programs and Gov. Lee’s visit here

In Case You Missed It…


2025 Teachers for Student Success Cohort Announced




NASHVILLE – Tennesseans for Student Success is excited to announce the fourth cohort of Teachers for Student Success, a year-long education advocacy and policy leadership development program... more
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Press Releases

National Report Card shows Tennessee’s co...




NASHVILLE — Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) released the following statement on our state’s performance on the 2024 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), frequently... more
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Press Releases

114th Tennessee General Assembly Convenes with ...




NASHVILLE — Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) is welcoming the members of the 114th General Assembly who are convening in Nashville today to begin the important work of strengthening the... more
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