February 20, 2018
The highlight of our week last week was hosting teachers, parents, students, and advocates from across the state for our inaugural Tennesseans for Student Success Day on the Hill. From taking meetings with legislators to hearing from Secretary of State Tre Hargett to sitting in on education committees, we had a wonderful time helping Tennesseans raise their voices for student success. Curious what the day was about? Take a look at our pictures and let us know if we can help arrange a visit for you!
We’re watching three pieces of legislation this week. As always, reach out for more information and for ways to raise your voice in support of our students.
Senate Bill 1804 – This bill exempts high-quality educators – with valid teaching licenses in other states – from having to take a licensure test when they make Tennessee their home. Every classroom needs a great teacher, and SB 1804 helps schools attract and retain those great teachers. SB 1804 passed the Senate Education Committee last week and up this week in Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee. Tennesseans for Student Success supports SB 1804.
Take a moment and email the Senate Education Committee and thank them for making sure every classroom has a high-quality teacher!
House Bill 1569 – This bill would extend career and technical education (CTA) class sizes in certain districts across the state. Enabling more students to take advantage of CTE classes helps more students be ready for success when they graduate. Tennesseans for Student Success supports HB 1569.
House Bill 1855 –If you’ve been around Tennesseans for Student Success very long, you’ll hear one of our key beliefs: politics should stop at a school’s front door. HB 1855 is a reactionary and politically-charged bill that keeps the state’s Department of Education tied to the current state assessment structure until 2021. There’s great value in a good and informative yearly assessment to help parents, teachers, and students know where they are and where they are going. We oppose HB 1855 and all efforts to roll back accountability in the classroom.
Be on the lookout for our 2018 Legislative Agenda this week. As we build on the success in supporting Tennessee’s students, teachers, and classrooms over the last few years, we’re committed to continuing that work this legislative season. You’re a key part of our work – thank you for raising your voice for all of our kids.