Inside TNSuccess

Summer Reading, New Partnerships & More!

Across the state, our students are hard at work fighting off the summer slide by reading. We are doing our part with Tristar Reads. If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time! Be sure to keep reading for more updates and information about some exciting events this summer!

Read Away the Summer Slide!

Last week, we spent time reading and learning with Metro Nashville Public Schools at Paragon Mills Elementary School during the Read to be Ready summer camp, which is an invaluable protection against the summer slide.

Summer slide is a real thing and it is so important that we keep our students motivated and encourage them to read throughout the summer months. 

Our state has set a goal of having 75% of students reading on grade level by third grade. One of the ways we are setting out to achieve that goal is through Read to be Ready camps. Tennesseans for Student Success is dedicated to ensuring our state’s literacy rates continue to improve.

Be a LitterHero with Tristar Reads!

Help keep Tennessee beautiful this summer with Tristar Reads by being a LitterHero

By educating people and encouraging them to read, you change behaviors and may be able to reduce the amount of litter that accumulates on the ground. 

Our superhero this week is The Talking Tree of Greene County! She helps educate students on the importance of having a clean environment and picking up after yourself and the community. We must all work together to keep Tennessee beautiful! Check out her Superhero reading skills!
Be sure to sign up for Tristar Reads if you haven’t yet and are the parent of or are a student in grades K-12. After you sign up, you have the chance to win a $1,000 scholarship!

Sign up for our weekly Tristar Reads emails so you don’t miss out on important reminders and other chances to win prizes

Sign Up for More Info!

New Partnership Promotes Student Success

Our friends at the State Collaborative for Reforming Education (SCORE) have released their new strategic plan, which includes combining forces with Complete Tennessee, an advocacy organization focused on postsecondary access and completion rates. 

At Tennesseans for Student Success, we understand the importance of aligning K-12 with postsecondary education to ensure our students are prepared for the current demands of the workforce and have the ability to obtain a living-wage job.

This is a great example of how organizations from across the education continuum are joining together to boost economic prosperity and success for all of Tennessee’s students.

Get Involved!

Join Us for Our Education Advocacy and Leadership Summits:

Learn how to be an advocate for Tennessee’s Students! Click below to register and for more details about our TWO FREE Summits this summer:

July 15th in Knoxville 

July 22nd in Nashville

Use Your Voice
Want to learn more about Tennesseans for Student Success and our legislative agenda? Visit our advocacy center here


2025 Teachers for Student Success Cohort Announced




NASHVILLE – Tennesseans for Student Success is excited to announce the fourth cohort of Teachers for Student Success, a year-long education advocacy and policy leadership development program... more
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Press Releases

National Report Card shows Tennessee’s co...




NASHVILLE — Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) released the following statement on our state’s performance on the 2024 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), frequently... more
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Press Releases

114th Tennessee General Assembly Convenes with ...




NASHVILLE — Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) is welcoming the members of the 114th General Assembly who are convening in Nashville today to begin the important work of strengthening the... more
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