July 31, 2017
As the first day of school draws near, we’re certain that Tennessee’s students, teachers, and standards are on the right track.
Last week, Tennessee’s Department of Education released the 2016-17 End of Course TNReady scores. While the scores contained only high school measurements, due to the TNReady rollout of 2016, the results are worth celebrating.
There were gains made across proficiency levels and the data showed achievement and growth across student populations. We’ve said all along that when high expectations are met with rigorous standards, and everyone in the classroom is accountable for success, our students will be on track for college and career choices.
We wanted to share with you our statement on the 2016-17 TNReady results and encourage you to take a look at the data and help celebrate these gains:
“Last week’s TNReady announcement is a signpost for success for all involved in Tennessee’s classrooms. The data shows our students are on the right track and are more ready to graduate with choices and opportunities for success in their futures. From 2017 TNReady results, we see achievement, progress, and momentum across all levels – outpacing previous growth.
“In short, the Tennessee way is working. Aligning high expectations to rigorous standards, ensuring equity across all student groups, and providing meaningful movement into proficiency, makes certain Tennessee’s students are on the right track for success for college and career opportunities.
“While data is a result of the 2017 High School TNReady assessment, we look forward with confidence to continued growth for every Tennessee student in the years to come.”
We’ll continue the work to encourage people, policies, and principles that help defend these notable gains and look forward to celebrating growth and achievement for every Tennessee student.