September 11, 2017
Two weeks ago, Tennessee’s Department of Education released more information on what our high school students are learning and where they are finding success. In case you missed the coverage on the news, we wanted to share our statement here:
“Today’s TNReady results continue to point the way toward success for Tennessee’s high school students. We are pleased to see an increase in the percent of students scoring on track or mastered and a decrease in the percent of students scoring in the lowest performance level. Parents, teachers, students, and all those involved in our classrooms can be certain the combination of high academic standards and a rigorous assessment aligned to those standards is another strong formula for student success.”
As schools across the state get into the swing of things this fall, and as parents, students, and teachers anticipate the release of more TNReady score and school achievement results, we wanted to thank you for supporting rigorous academic standards and adding your voice with all those who support student success. Our teachers and students are making great gains in this state. We will continue to cheer them on, while pushing lawmakers to ensure the policies driving those gains are protected.
We couldn’t do this work without you. Thank you!
By the way, there are a few spots open for our East Tennessee Teacher Voices Summit. We’d love to host an outstanding educator you know. Forward this email (with this link) to them and let them know this free, half-day summit is a good fit for them.