Inside TNSuccess

Inside TNSuccess: February 24

TN Legislative Corner

The House Curriculum, Testing, & Innovation Subcommittee (CTI) amended HB 1687/SB 1735, which proposed to eliminate academic standards for science and social studies in kindergarten through grade two. After concerns were expressed about the legislation as introduced, the State Board of Education helped to clarify the difference between standards and curriculum and provided historical context for this conversation.

The amended language, offered by Speaker Pro Tem Dunn, maintains current K-2 standards and empowers Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to develop and implement instructional programs that promote individual teacher creativity and autonomy, and incorporate science and social studies concepts into the English Language Arts instruction. TSS appreciates Rep. Cepicky and committee members for taking the time to review feedback and doing the hard work necessary to find solutions that put students first.

The committee process is a great opportunity to use your voice to influence state policy that impacts students. Please take a moment to email members of the Education CTI subcommittee thanking them for prioritizing a student-based agenda that continuously improves all aspects of public education.

Track progress on other education bills last week here.

For a complete list of education legislation filed by the 111th 2019-2020 General Assembly, click here.

#CTEMonth and How TN Students are Impacted

This week’s blog on CTE month comes from our Policy and Outreach Manager, Jessica Whitmill. Jessica recounts her travels through the state and how different districts and schools are preparing students for college and career through hands-on learning and technical education. She talks about several different schools and the teachers that are making sizeable impacts on students across the state. 

Read our latest blog here

ICYMI: State Board of Education Releases Preparation Report Card

Recently, the Tennessee State Board of Education released its Education Preparation Report Card, which is a useful tool to find information on educator preparation programs in the state to ensure every student has a well-prepared teacher. Additionally, it’s helpful for teachers to have guidance on the teacher prep programs they could apply to around the state. 

Click here to see how well TN prep programs performed.

Speaking of educator prep programs, a group of students from Freed-Hardeman University’s Teacher Education Program joined us for our Day on the Hill this month. These students engaged with different legislators on education issues, the legislative process, and how legislators got to where they are today. Check out a few photos from their visit below. 

Calendar of Events

February 25th10:30AM: House Higher Education Subcommittee

      12:00PM: House Curriculum, Testing, & Innovation Committee

      4:30PM: House K-12 Subcommittee 

February 26th – 9:00AM: House Education Committee

 2:30PM: Senate Education Committee

February 27th – Digital Learning Day

In Case You Missed It…

Press Releases

2025 Teachers for Student Success Cohort Announced




NASHVILLE – Tennesseans for Student Success is excited to announce the fourth cohort of Teachers for Student Success, a year-long education advocacy and policy leadership development program... more
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Press Releases

National Report Card shows Tennessee’s co...




NASHVILLE — Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) released the following statement on our state’s performance on the 2024 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), frequently... more
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Press Releases

114th Tennessee General Assembly Convenes with ...




NASHVILLE — Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) is welcoming the members of the 114th General Assembly who are convening in Nashville today to begin the important work of strengthening the... more
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