Tennesseans for Student Success TNSuccessCard Policy Priorities Preceding the release of our TNSuccessCard this summer, we are highlighting our policy pillars and the corresponding bills that are... more
Happy Fourth of July Weekend! As we celebrate Independence Day this weekend, please be safe with your loved ones and celebrate the freedom, patriotism, and liberty we have by living in this... more
Tennesseans for Student Success TNSuccessCard Policy Priorities Tennesseans for Student Success is a non-profit, statewide organization committed to improving student achievement in Tennessee In... more
111th General Assembly Legislative Wrap-Up The Tennessee General Assembly officially adjourned sine die at 3 am on June 19th, which means, barring a special session being called, they will not... more
What is your organization’s mission, and how does it support Tennessee’s kids The Enterprise Center, a non-profit economic development partner to the City of Chattanooga and Hamilton... more
Join Rep John Ragan He Reads “Coat of Many Colors” We’re thrilled to be joined by Rep Ragan this week as he reads “Coat of Many Colors” by Dolly Parton This... more
Read Along with Rep Rusty Grills as He Reads “Llama Llama Red Pajama” With Father’s Day this weekend, Rep Grills joined us this week to read with his daughter,... more
TN Legislative Wrap-Up The 111th General Assembly plans to conclude their business this week by passing a revised state budget and voting on remaining critical legislation Many of the proposed policy... more
Watch Senator Dawn White Read “Grace Goes to Washington” Aloud This week, Tristar Reads would like to highlight the importance of showing diversity through BIPOC (black, indigenous,... more
TN Legislative Corner The 111th General Assembly continues their June session this week with a full week of Committee meetings in each Chamber after recessing from the COVID-19 pandemic in... more
Tennesseans for Student Success Announces Trist...
NASHVILLE – Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) recently kicked off their fifth annual statewide summer reading scholarship program, Tristar Reads Through May, and during a time of... more
Watch Senator Ferrell Haile Read “Donkey-Donkey” Aloud We’re thrilled to be joined by Senator Haile and his grandson this week as he reads “Donkey-Donkey” by Roger... more