Watch Rep Leatherwood Read “No Roses for Harry!” Join us this week as we watch Rep Tom Leatherwood (and his dog, Toby!) read “No Roses for Harry!” aloud At Tristar Reads, we... more
#SendTeachersLove During Teacher Appreciation Week
Teachers are incredibly instrumental in the lives of our students in and outside of the classroom As we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, TSS would like to take a moment to recognize those... more
Tristar Read’s 2019 Middle School Winner’s Expe...
According to the Tennessee Department of Education, 349 percent of Tennessee students are at or above their grade level in English language arts With academic achievement gaps and the impact of the... more
Tennesseans for Student Success Announces New W...
NASHVILLE – Today, Tennesseans for Student Success (TSS) announces the launch of their newly designed website at wwwtnsuccessorg The new site features a more streamlined and engaging... more
Tennessee COVID-19 Update Recently, Governor Bill Lee released first-steps for the opening of Tennessee’s economy called the “Tennessee Pledge” The governor’s aim through the... more
Celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week with Ms. ...
May 4-8, 2020 is Teacher Appreciation Week, and it’s important now more than ever that we recognize and celebrate the significant role educators play in student’s lives With the... more
Welcome to the kick-off week of Tristar Reads 2020! We are pleased you’ve joined us as we journey through the magic of reading this summer Tristar Reads is an annual summer reading program by... more
Tristar Reads: How the Program Impacted Last Ye...
Tristar Reads is our annual summer reading contest designed to encourage students across the Volunteer State to keep up their reading skills during the summer while also cultivating a joy for reading... more
Tristar Reads, our annual summer reading program, doesn’t begin until May, but as most students are at home in this season, we want to offer various resources and activities for parents and... more
Tennessee COVID-19 Update As our schools, economy, and life in general moves at a rapidly different pace than one month ago, TSS is keeping our finger on the pulse of education-related COVID-19... more
Tristar Reads, our annual summer reading program, doesn’t begin until May, but as most students are at home in this season, we want to offer various resources and activities for parents and... more
The University of Tennessee recently announced a new, student-success-oriented scholarship program that offers free tuition and mandatory fees for qualifying Tennessee undergraduate students who have... more