In case you missed it last week, we launched our brand-new super-exciting, easy-to-use, you-won’t-regret-heading-over-to-look-at, grassroots engagement tool From this site, you can quickly and... more
The highlight of our week last week was hosting teachers, parents, students, and advocates from across the state for our inaugural Tennesseans for Student Success Day on the Hill From taking meetings... more
It’s a mix An equation A balance of the right policies, priorities, and people in place to make certain every student in Tennessee has an opportunity to succeed You might have seen this map on our... more
Last week we looked at why we champion accountability for everyone involved in the classroom It’s good that whether you are a teacher, student, parent, administrator, or elected official, you are... more
Did you see it We released our inaugural legislative scorecard It features an analysis of bills filed, votes taken, and our position on them You will be able to easily see how your elected official... more
In case you missed it on Facebook or Twitter, we had a blast the past few days celebrating our Tristar Reads winners Joining with Arch, Sarah, and Madison’s families, teachers, and friends, we... more
Don’t be discouraged – our students, teachers, parents, and all those involved in Team Classroom are on the right path Last week, the Department of Education released the 2017 TNReady results If... more
Great things are happening in Tennessee’s schools Governor Haslam announced the 2016-2017 graduation rate was a record-high 891 percent What’s more, 56% of districts saw their graduation... more
Two weeks ago, Tennessee’s Department of Education released more information on what our high school students are learning and where they are finding success In case you missed the coverage on the... more
It’s one of our favorite times of the year Our Facebook and Twitter feeds are full of back-to-school pictures and we’re certain your shopping list is full of back-to-school supplies Whether you... more
As the first day of school draws near, we’re certain that Tennessee’s students, teachers, and standards are on the right track Last week, Tennessee’s Department of Education released the... more
We’re certain the Predators are going to win tonight And we like to celebrate success – success in the classroom, on the ice, inside a book – because it’s important to take a moment and see... more